Question for us is, as this reality is smelted down in the furnace of creation, can you forge a new one? A better world, a safer, more tolerant home for every lifeform on its surface, within its hollow Earth and beneath its oceans? Can you reach the 5th paradigm? Or, 7th Or, go higher?

Read more "A LEAP OF FAITH"


In 2012, you were not ready. Those preparing for Ascension loved those who were not. This kept the two worlds; one of savagery, one of paradise bound together in an awkward mis-matched ‘two-step’.  As the split progresses you will naturally experience the confusion and chaos associated with straddling two very distinctly different timelines – until your make your choice.

Read more "THE EYE"

Faith Becomes the Rose

You are like a rambling rose growing up and along the trellis until you cross over the garden wall and disappear from sight. You do not cease to exist, but continue to grow and bloom on the other side. You can no longer be seen, but you are still there.

Read more "Faith Becomes the Rose"